Sailing Co-ordinator’s Report
Last weekend was the sailing section’s annual two-day regatta.
We had a fleet of 14 Lasers (including 1 Laser from the Wanganui Club), 4 Open Skiffs (“Bics”), 3 Open seniors and 1 junior Feva.
On day one, the wind picked right up mid race, resulting in two broken masts and only 5 finishers. All the sailors were accounted for! Early finish to Day 1, followed by dinner at the Club.
Day two was excellent – good breeze, with some interesting shifts and we fitted in 5 full races.
We rounded the weekend out with a shout out to our very generous sponsors and prizegiving.
Results as follows:
Lasers 1st Scott McIntosh, 2nd David Feek, 3rd John Dymond
Open Senior 1st Murray Kersel and Jewel Swinburn, 2nd Ferry Hendrix and Andrew Gilbey, 3rd JP and Caroline McCartin
Open Skiffs 1st Vinny Parsons, 2nd Anna van den Dijssel, 3rd Finn Pedersen
Thanks to our sponsors: